Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday 2/23

The excitement of another Tuesday in Kansas! I know everyone wishes they were here! But the happy news is that the sun is shining! YEAH for the sun!

  • light laundry ~ washed, dried, folded, put away
  • dishwasher ~ emptied, refilled
  • kids rooms ~ picked up, vacuumed
  • Living room ~ um, still there! Nothing much I can do, I vacuumed a little to avoid nails and staples, but can't do much since the carpet is cut into pieces and there isn't much else that I can do until the floor is put in.
  • swept the kitchen floor and vacuumed up the swept up stuff!
  • water, water
  • teeth brushed
  • neighbor kids watched and safely returned to their mommy
I've agreed to work at the Y this evening, so I'll miss another evening with my family. I really am kinda wishing I would have said no, but it is too late now. RS was going to go and try to buy the few pieces we need for the hallway tonight after work, but now he can't. So I have no excuse for having to live in the mess other than my own inability to say no!


Renee said...

Saying no is the worst. I synpathize. I can't do it either!