Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday 2/16

Ah, Tuesday! Who knew you were so wonderful! The boy Monkeys returned to school today! YEAH! 4 days off is getting to be too much for me. I think it was the fighting that was actually getting to me. Plus it is hard to clean the house when the Monkeys destroy my hard work before it is even done! So glad to get some stuff done today!

  • Monkeys rooms ~ cleaned, vacuumed
  • RS and my room ~ vacuumed
  • Living room ~ Um, well, I kinda vacuumed, but um, well...Hold on I'll explain in a minute.
  • sheets ~ taken off of all 4 beds (5 if you would like to believe that RS and I have two twin beds ala Lucy and Ricky), new sheets put on, old sheets washed and drying.
  • light laundry ~ washed, dried, folded, and waiting for nap to be finished to be put away in the kids rooms
  • dishwasher ~ emptied
  • teeth brushed
  • Mount Dresser ~ On hold since clothes are lying on my bed. Hopefully will be a post-nap project today
So what is the deal with my living room? Years ago RS and I picked out every little thing for our home. We moved in and already loved the place, but soon, oh so soon, we started hating, no, abhorring the carpet. It was horrible. Gross no matter that no one wore shoes on it. It was just yucky! So we have been talking for the last few years that for our 10th wedding anniversary we are going to extend the hardwood floors that are in our kitchen into the living room and down the hallway. Now you are probably asking yourself what this had to do with anything....well, our 10th anniversary is fast approaching (only 43 more days) and we have our tax refund, so....we did a little hardwood shopping.

Thus leading us to have to wait for the wood to acclimate to our home before we can install the new floor. Well we thought about dragging the wood down the stairs. That didn't happen. We simply pulled up the carpet and put the wood in the living room and rolled the carpet back over the pile. Seriously! The only reason we put the carpet over it was to try to hide it from the chewing dog. She likes to chew on wood. So my living room got smaller and the wood is acclimating as we speak! We are aiming for putting it down in about 2 weeks. I'm hoping to spend part of the upcoming weekend pulling the tack strip up from the living room and hallway!

Things to look forward to in our home!


Mandy Beyeler said...

can't wait to see the floor!