Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday 2/21

Due to my lack of sleep last night due to coughing which didn't want to stop no matter what I did, today's activities were minimal.

On a happy note, one of my dear, dear friends had twin boys this morning! I'm so very excited for her and her fiance. I wish them all the happiness with their two new little bundles of joy! I can't wait to meet them soon.

Now on to what I did get done:

  • Gave RS, Monkey-1 and Monkey-2 hair cuts this morning
  • drove to Harbor Freight with RS and Monkeys for a new tool thing to help with the floor remodel
  • drove back to Harbor Freight to pick up one lost stuffed snowball from the store that was left there by Monkey-3
  • pulled up carpet and the stables that were holding the pad down from the living room and hallway floor with help from the Monkeys and RS
  • Rearranged some furniture to make it easier to install the flooring this week
  • Bought milk (very, very important in our home), thought again about trying to buy a skim milk cow, but don't have a home for said nonexistent cow.
  • Prayed for friend's babies who are in the NICU, but doing well. May you all be blessed with the Lord's hand on you as they continue to grow outside the womb.
I think that was about it. Despite being tired, I seemed to have gotten some stuff done. Shocking!


Renee said...

Oh, I hope you didn't catch my cold at book group. It had been over a week since I had been sick so I thought I was in the clear.