Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday 4/6

Ah, Tuesday. The boy Monkeys went back to school and I wish I would have gotten more stuff done!

  • Monkey's rooms cleaned (but not vacuumed)
  • light laundry ~ washed and dried
  • went by the bank
  • took the van back to Sam's. Gave it to the people. Bought soap. Waited for RS and Monkey-2 to arrive. Ate lunch. Drove back by Sam's, talked to the guy. Took RS back to work. Came home.
  • Took Monkey 1 & 3 to piano lessons (and now Monkey-2 wants to be added to the mix)
  • Went back to pick up van still with 3 new tires and one old tire and still a broken lug nut. They have informed us they must break it to get the tire off and not we wait until they can get the part to fix it before they break it. And they are not sure exactly when they will be able to get the part. In the good news, the tire, you know the new one, is not sitting around at Sam's, nope, it is in the back of my mini-van! At least the 4 tires I have paid for, I have!
It has been a crazy week. We'll see how my morning without Monkeys goes tomorrow and if I get things done!