Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday 4/20

Since I did so much yesterday I didn't have as much to get done today, but I did get some important things accomplished!

1. You may have noticed that I clean the Monkey's rooms, but never mention my own room that I share with the RS. Mostly because no matter what I do, it seem like the catch all. So this morning while Monkey-3 was watching Noggin and then Sprout (she is not allowed to watch Barney and he was on when we first turned on the TV) in my room, I started cleaning. Empty trash can and recycling bin to begin with and I got rid of a bunch! YEAH! Now MY side of the bedroom is...cleaner. I vacuumed and HOLY COW there was a lot of dog hair! But I feel better about it and that is all that matters. Some day I will clean under my bed, but those plastic tubs hold all my crafty stuff (even if I'm not really all that crafty).

2. Cleaned the two dog beds we have for Sam. We have one in our bedroom and one in her cage in the basement. I took both outside and shook them off before putting them in the washing machine with an extra rinse cycle. And through the dryer twice. They came out nearly fur free! YEAH! Then I returned them to their places and Sam is a happy doggie with two clean beds!

3. I washed, dried, folded, and put away the light laundry (okay, so technically I folded and put away RS and I's stuff. The Monkey's stuff is still in the basket because it was rest time and I didn't want to interrupt in case Monkey-2 or Monkey-3 decided to fall asleep. I should have known better).

4. I made an Orange-Lemon cake. It wasn't the greatest, but it was okay. Probably not something I will make over and over, but it was a nice change.

5. I forgot to mention that I did empty and refill the dishwasher yesterday, at least 2 times. Today I filled and it is now washing! YEAH for clean dishes!

Things still to be done today:
1. Take Monkeys to piano lessons
2. Make dinner (and tonight I'm makin' WAFFLES!)
3. Empty dishwasher
4. Finish laundry
5. Figure out outfits for Monkey-2 and Monkey-3 for career day on Friday at preschool. Monkey-2 is going as a Vet. Monkey-3 is going as a Princess. I'm still looking for a college with a Princess Degree program. If you come across one, please let me know, I'm sure to need it at the rate I'm going!

Hopefully this will all be accomplished and time will be left over for me to work on some family blog stuff. But that is always something that can be put off until later.